
Friday, 17 March 2017

Pacific Poly Panthers

Wait!!  Take a look at this work I will be writing about. Have you participated in a poly fest before, or even been to a ASB Poly fest because i know for sure I have been to the ASB Poly fest and it
Was Amazing I’ll tell you how much fun i had at the ASB Poly fest 2017

Yesterday team 5 went to the ASB Poly fest 2017 and we went to learn about other cultures and how we can pick up things from those thing like for an example Diversity this is a group that showed me that wherever you come from you must be proud and show that you're proud of it.  Also the thing that shocked me was about how the performances were very organised.  The poly fest stand for Polynesian festival for thing like Tongan, Samoan, Maori and Nuian.

The food was delicious because I got to taste  weird things I've never seen before like mussel fritters, mango madness and ice cream on watermelon my favourite was the ice cream on water melon have you ever tasted any of those?  Also the price was amazingly cheap like two ice cream watermelon’s for ten dollars but most of all at least i didn’t have to wait in a long long Que.  But the unfortunate thing was their where no water taps and all the seats to watch the performances were filled.

Hot hot hot, the day was burning like the Sahara desert man i was melting like the ice cream on my watermelon but lucky we brang our hats and drink bottles.  Man I was HOT!!  But at least it was a great day and no sunburn on my skin.

So first it was burning hot then I got to taste nice and weird things.  Then I got to see amazing performances What a day so if you have ever been or preformed in a ASB Poly fest 2017 just leave it in the comments.

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