
Tuesday, 3 July 2018

Ole ala i le pule o le tautua !!

Year 8 leadership camp was by far the best activity for the term. The bus trip was just beautiful it was like diving into nature, the views of mountains were amazing because when you’d thought you have seen the biggest mountain a even bigger one appears.  All i could think of in the bus was getting to the camp.

Arriving to the camp we started to unpack and find our cabins, and all the groups had to sit at one table each and all the groups names were labels on the tables like Cormandle, Kauaeranga, kauri, Thames. We had to get used to this camp and the things around the camp, but i’ll say i felt like a country boy entering a fresh countryside town. the cabin i got put into had 5 bunks and they were all close to each other.

Every night before we had to get our cultural groups to stand up and start a Waiata  and we would all sing before we ate.

The activities were really fun and enjoying.  My all time favourite was paintball and the go cart, but my highlight from camp would have to be the item practice’s because our group became closer and closer every time we practice and worked as a team but sadly we didn’t get the results we wanted for our item but our teamwork and attitude was what mattered.

The main purpose of this camp was becoming a young leader and building up your Self-Confidence, Responsibility and Working as a team. “O le ala i le pule o le tautua”  means “by the path to leadership is through service”.

1 comment:

  1. Talofa Vita,
    My name is Constance, a year 8 student from Tamaki primary school.
    Reading your post just makes me remember the time the year 7 & 8's at my school went to camp. And the only thing I enjoyed there, was the food provided.

    next time you could re-read through your blogpost, and check your punctuation. Because it is fluffy!

    Keep up the work!
    Malo aupito Vita!


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